Sequential Algorithms: Improved Randomized Sorting

This page includes the code used in the experiments described in the paper: A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``Increasing the efficiency of existing sorting algorithms by using randomized wrappers'' that has been accepted of publication to The Computer Journal (2003).

  1. tars/506fr.tar (March 24,2003) Current Version of sequential code for improving efficiency of existing sorting algorithms. Untar tar file, read copyright notice in file copy and file Readme.506
  2. sortseq.tar Untar file (tar xvf sortseq.tar) and then read copyright notice in file copy and then file 504new.rdm. Includes a variety of sorting algorithm implementations including, insertion-sort, selection-sort, bubble-sort, quicksort (a number of recursive and non-recursive variants that revert to insertion-sort for small problem sizes), heap-sort (minheap, maxheap based), merge-sort, radix-sort etc).

Last Update: March 24, 2003