Local, national and international media featuring Ying Wu College of Computing faculty and students
These 3 computer science master’s jobs pay at least $120,000 (Fortune Education, April 28, 2023, Dean Craig Gotsman)
EarSpy: Spying on Phone Calls via Ear Speaker Vibrations Captured by Accelerometer (SecurityWeek, December 28, 2022, Cong Shi)
Can You Get a Master’s Degree in Computer Science without a Computer Science Background? (Fortune Education, August 30, 2022, Dean Craig Gotsman)
A New Attack Can Unmask Anonymous Users on Any Major Browser (Wired, July 14, 2022, Reza Curtmola)
The Latin of Software Code Is Thriving (The New York Times, July 6, 2022, Caitlin Mooney NJIT Graduate)
In a Russian Cyberattack, How Does New Jersey Fare? (NJBIZ, February 28, 2022, Reza Curtmola)
Coming soon.
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